Recent Sale 1/2/15 – ARCP

Deciding to sell a stock is a tough decision, especially when you realize your largest loss.  While we all perform our due diligence prior to investing to provide assurance we are investing in a strong, dividend growth stock, we assume a certain risk when we decide to purchase shares that conditions may change in the future that could cause the stock value to decline.  Myself, and many others investments, shared such an experience over the last couple of months as we decided to divest in one troubled stock.  Here is my story about selling my investment in ARCP.

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Lanny’s Portfolio Review and Life Lessons

Similar to as Bert has performed on his review and assessment, I wanted to piggy back on that idea, and to have a snapshot of what my portfolio holds at December 31, 2014, but also introduce 5 life lessons I have taken from 2014.  I typically do keep a copy in PDF of my portfolio every quarter, but this also provides a blog’d example of where I stand, so I can always refer back on the site the historical position of my portfolio.  To echo what Bert had stated – this has been a wild year for us dividend investors on our pursuit to financial freedom, and I’m excited to dive into what had happened! Continue reading

Bert’s Dividend Income Summary- December

Happy New Year everyone!  2014 is officially in the books and we turn the page to a new, exciting year.  2015 will be the year of major moves, as we all continue to build on our success and grow our passive income.  You know that dividend income we all received this year, we will receive more this year just from the power of DRIP and increasing dividends (See the impact of dividend growth on your portfolio).  Since the year is over, I wanted to take one final look at the dividend income I received in 2014 and review my December 2014 totals.  I have a surprise in store for everyone, possibly a new dividend record for me! So let’s begin.

dividend income summary

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Stock Purchase 12/30 – ROK

The Lord knows I couldn’t stay behind the scenes or on the sidelines for this long, as it has been quite some time since I made a full on stock purchase.  I was itching for an action and I knew the end of the year was coming and wanted to go out with a “bang”.  I woke up on December 30th, after having analyzed the stock market the day before and knew what I was after and it was in a different industry that I have not truly been exposed to before.  Enough with the opening, let’s dive into my recent stock purchase and find out what, why and how much!

RockwellAutomation_logo Continue reading