5 Dividend Increases Expected in October 2020


Another month is in the books. We are now in the final quarter of 2020, the craziest investing year of my career! Luckily, the third quarter was filled with plenty of dividend increases.  For those of you that are new followers, each month we summarize the dividend increases from the previous month and predict the ones set to be announced in the next month. Now, sit down, grad a cup of coffee, and read about the dividend increases expected in October 2020.

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Lanny’s November Dividend Income

We are now entering December!  Gearing up after this one for the FINAL dividend posting and last month + to reach your annual goals.  Extremely excited for things coming down the pipeline and dividend income will be looking solid going into December.  Now… to the numbers!

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Notable Dividend Increases during November

It has been some wild ride this month – no doubt.  Companies have begun/continued to release their ever so exciting dividend increases and I’m here smiling to receive them, that’s for sure.  Some have increased them at a not so high level, some right on where you’d expect and others have had surprisingly nice dividend increases.  I’m sadly going to be very conceited and focus on the dividend stocks in my portfolio that have made announcements mid-way through November.  I primarily will be focused on the companies, years they have increased, the impact to the portfolio and essentially, bringing it all together to show why we are dividend investors.  Okay, enough of this Italian typing away, let’s get to the article. 

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Dividend Diplomats Weekly Purchases – 1/5/15

This week started out with a lot of excitement, at least for any dividend investors looking to initiate a long-term position.  Right out of the gate, the market began to slide and reached its lowest point by mid-day Tuesday. Luckily, for both Lanny and me, we were able to catch the market at its lowest point and purchase some new/additional shares for our portfolio.

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Stock Purchase 12/30 – ROK

The Lord knows I couldn’t stay behind the scenes or on the sidelines for this long, as it has been quite some time since I made a full on stock purchase.  I was itching for an action and I knew the end of the year was coming and wanted to go out with a “bang”.  I woke up on December 30th, after having analyzed the stock market the day before and knew what I was after and it was in a different industry that I have not truly been exposed to before.  Enough with the opening, let’s dive into my recent stock purchase and find out what, why and how much!

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