Lanny’s August Stock Watch List

Surprising title and article, right?  I would be stunned to see a watch list, as well, if I were a reader, given the stock market has continued to hit highs.  Just went you think they are heading for a few days in a row of red, the rug gets taken from underneath you.  Bert and I have had endless conversations over the last week and it’s time to talk about what entities are on my radar.  What companies are out there, that somehow have undervaluation written somewhere on them?  Let’s dive in and see.

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Bert’s July Dividend Income Summary

After coming off the highs of our June dividend income summary, we now get to report on the lowly first month of the quarter now that July has come to a close.    Last month, I was able to post a 56% annual growth rate, and a lot of that had to do with the purchases I had in the first half of the year.  Some how, some way, all those purchases seemed to pay a dividend in the third month of the quarter!   I’m not expecting those kind of results here, so let’s see how I performed during the month and if I was able to defeat Lanny’s dividend growth rate during July.  Here is my July dividend income summary!

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Bert’s Q2 2016 Goals Review

I know I said it in my June Dividend income article as well. But still….HOLY COW, I can’t believe the year is halfway over.  This quarter will always hold a special place in my heart though considering I got married in May.  Can’t believe that was a month ago too. WOW!  After the quarter is over, we like to take some time here and check up on our 2016 goals to check our progress and see if we need to make any necessary adjustments on the fly.   With six months remaining, there is still plenty of time to steer ourselves back onto the road if we have started wandering off.


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Bert’s June Dividend Income Summary

Lanny beat me to the punch for releasing our monthly dividend income summary and lets just say I have a tough act to follow.  $1,100 in total dividend income and a 30.31% dividend growth rate…impressive numbers Lanny!  You are crushing it.  However, the show must go on here and luckily for me, I had some nice year over year growth as well.   Time to peel back the layers and take a dive into my June dividend income summary!

dividend income

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Lanny’s June Dividend Income Summary

It’s only right so say — WE ARE HALF WAY THROUGH THE YEAR!!!  On top of that – my Cavs won the NBA Finals and our first championship in 52+ years AND the Tribe are CURRENTLY on a 14 game win streak.  Cleveland could not be on any more fire than they are right now.  What about my portfolio?  Can it keep up with the heat that Cleveland as it’s aura?  Did my Dividend Portfolio spit out the best income it’s ever had?  Well, let’s find this out and see if I hit some big targets!

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Bert’s Recent Buy – Target (TGT)

I just couldn’t sit on the sideline any longer.  For those of you that have followed our blog over the last month, you would have realized that there was one stock I have been fixated on…Target (TGT).  It was the number 1 stock on my June watch list for a reason.  Over the month, I was patiently waited for the right moment to strike.  When I went to buy, the stock price increased.  When I wasn’t able t access the internet to actually purchase the stock, the price fell.   Finally, the stars aligned as the markets had two terrible days after the Brexit situation.   Time to check out why and most importantly, how much TGT stock I purchased this week!

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Crushing $7,000 in Projected Dividend Income

Here we are.  June of 2016.  It has been a very big year thus far and I have climbed another rung of the illustrious ladder that we are all holding.  The steepness to the ladder and the climb up is definitely hard mind, body and soul – but this was never supposed to be easy, and what is the point of going for something if it isn’t a hard road?  This has definitely been worth it and I have learned a vast amount of information and simpler techniques on the way…   Yes… you read the title correctly, this month events and activities have allowed me to Crush through $7,000 in projected dividend income!

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