Lanny’s February Dividend Income Summary

February, coming in hot!  Or… still freaking cold.  Dividends still come through to keep things exciting for the short month.  The stock market has continued to be on a tear, making it hard for additional investment.  I know I am preaching to the choir.  Let’s see how I did and check out my February 2019 dividend income.

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Lanny’s Recent Stock Purchase – Kraft Heinz (KHC) & Isabella Bank Corp. (ISBA)

Tired of reading my purchase articles yet?  Better get used to it, because I am ready to unleash some capital on a go-forward basis.  There are reasons I am able to buy more individual stocks, which I will explain in a later post.  However, I unloaded capital, again, on Friday the 10th.  This was not a significant amount of capital but wanted to explain my two small purchases in Kraft-Heinz (KHC) and a small community bank of Isabella Bank Corp. (ISBA).

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July Dividend Income from YOU the Bloggers!

July dividend income figures may not pack the same punch and dollar amounts that June has to offer, but that doesn’t mean that we all weren’t making moves and CRUSHING IT during July.   Almost every dividend income report we read during the month saw some form of major progress, personal records, or discussed how movers were made to increase future dividend income!  To echo the point we made last month, we are doing everything we can to get through as many dividend income articles as we can each month.   If you aren’t included in our monthly summary,  it doesn’t mean we didn’t read your article and your exclusion is definitely not personal.  It is just a time thing!  With that being said, it is time to check out our July Dividend Income summary from all of YOU in the dividend growth investing community.

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Bert’s January Dividend Income Summary

Wow….January just flew by.  One giant blur to me.  As I take some time to reflect on the month, I realize just how large of a roller coaster ride it was.  Whether it was the wild swings of Mr. Market, receiving dividends, or purchasing a couple of stocks (ADM at the beginning of the month and CZNC at the end of the month), I always had something fun and exciting to look forward to.    So now, just like every month, I took a step back and reviewed my monthly dividend income summary to see how my income stacked up against the same month in the previous quarter and the previous year.  Let’s check it out!

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Bert’s July Dividend Income Summary

Man, talk about tough acts to follow.  Lanny had one heck month hauling in a crazy $740 in dividend income during this “off” month.   Congrats on the great month Lanny!  With figures like that, I am setting myself up for yet another defeat in July, which makes perfect sense considering his portfolio is nearly triple the size of mine.  However, I have one glimmer of hope this month that can catapult me to fictitious victory over Lanny.  What is it?  I own more shares of Kraft than Lanny.   The question is, will this one-time special dividend be enough to push my dividend income for the month over $740.  Let’s find out!

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