Crushing $6,000 in Projected Dividend Income

I am very glad I have set a realistic, attainable goal this year and am churning my way to it.  I remember last year, I was sprinting past my 2014 goals early and often, but this year definitely is different.  This year is harder, this year is more strategic, this year takes much more effort than usual.  My goal by the end of the year is to have a projected $6,750 in forward-looking dividend income, and well – this month has allowed me to reach closer to the goal, but to also cross a milestone along the path.  This month events and activities have allowed me to Crush through $6,000 in projected dividend income!crushing it
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Lanny’s Debt Update

Debt.  What is debt?  Is this America’s Horror Story?  Is it chains strapped to your hands and ankles?  Well, by definition, Debt is “An amount of money borrowed by one party from another. Many corporations/individuals use debt as a method for making large purchases that they could not afford under normal circumstances. A debt arrangement gives the borrowing party permission to borrow money under the condition that it is to be paid back at a later date, usually with interest.”  Thanks Investopedia for that.  Debt can be used in two ways – to pay for something that we use day in/day out as a liability that does not generate cash for us OR debt can be used to leverage buying an asset that produces a greater return than the cost of the debt itself.  I have debt and I wanted to share an update where I stand based on today, Mid-April.

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Lanny’s February Income and Expense Summary

As you have come to see from us Diplomats – each month we share our savings from the income and expense we have endured during the previous month.  Our goal is to achieve 60% savings rate in an ever inflationary lifestyle from advertisers, television, peers and co workers.  Though it is difficult, we know the combination of being frugal, saving and investing allows us to achieve our financial freedom goals faster, by still enjoying the benefits of life itself.  Was I able to hit 60% this month?  Let’s check out my income and expense summary from February!

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Lanny’s January Income and Expense Summary

This month I wanted to make sure I had a timely article to reflect the income & expense summary, as December’s wasn’t posted until almost the end of January!  Another month has passed, another month where I ask myself… Did I hit the 60% savings goal with my income and expense tracker?  Did I hit the big mark that I set for myself back in August 2014 when I was discussing why I am aiming to save 60% of my income?  Let’s dive into the income and expense analysis. Continue reading

Lanny’s December Income and Expense Summary

I know that this post is LOOOOONG over do… Busy Season for us CPAs has kicked into high gear and it has been tough buckling down writing articles, when you are working 70 hours+, as well as traveling.  Regardless – time does come and go and another month has passed, another month where I ask myself… Did I hit the 60% savings goal with my income and expense tracker?  Did I hit the big mark that I set for myself back in August when I was discussing why I am aiming to save 60% of my income?  Let’s dive into the income and expense analysis. Continue reading

Frugal Living Tip: Asking for a Discount

I am relatively new to the frugal living lifestyle, as I didn’t even begin tracking my savings rate and monitoring my expenses with a fine tooth comb until a few months ago!  But now, since I have accepted the Dividend Diplomats’ 60% Savings Challenge where I aim to save 60% of my income each month, I have been trying to find new, innovative ways to save.   Recently, I have found success saving using one new method: Asking for a Discount (If the title didn’t give it away)!  Let me explain.
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Bert & Lanny’s Dividend Income Summary October

Another month down in the dividend income books.  Monthly I will evaluate and show the results of which companies paid dividends, progress towards the year and comparison to the past.  This is a great way to track my dividends to see if I’m on pace for financial freedom.  We are changing it up going forward to have both Bert & Lanny’s dividend income summary into one post – to save on postings/focus for the month.  This hopefully allows readers to also track and compare Lanny vs. Bert and who is dominating who in the dividend income playing field, isn’t that right BERT?!  Now onto our October dividend income results!  Time to step up to the plate

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