Ending a Short Chapter in My Career

This Sunday, I woke, poured my morning cup (or two or three) of coffee and turned on the television. I began flipping through the channels to see what I could watch before I fired up my laptop to begin blogging.  I stumbled across a classic, Office Space, and had to watch the rest of the movie.   It is one of those movies I have to watch to the finish line, regardless of whether I started watching at the beginning, middle or the end.  Even though I have watched the movie time and time again, there was something different about watching it this weekend.


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Why I Changed Jobs

In my last article, I hinted that I recently made a big decision in my life, and boy was it a difficult one.  As the title of this article suggests, I recently changed jobs for a variety of reasons.   The decision was not an easy one by any stretch, and I had many conversations with my fiance, family, and Lanny about the move.  But ultimately, the pros outweighed the cons and handed my boss my resignation letter. Just like that, I closed one chapter of my life and began writing a new one.  Here is some insight into why I changed jobs.

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