Lanny’s Dividend Stock Purchase Activity – December 2019

On your journey to financial freedom or financial independence, you have to stay hungry out there.  November was fairly quiet and December was no different.  Not surprisingly, the market continued to surge but one must stay consistent and find that one undervalued dividend stock.  Time to check out my December activity!

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Lanny’s October Dividend Income Summary

October was a busy month, no doubt and we eventually saw snowflakes on the first morning of November, yikes.  Even though it is getting cold in Cleveland, the Dividend Stock Portfolio always is heating up baby!  Without further-ado, time to jump into my October Dividend Income results!

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Canadian Bank Stocks – Three Stock Analyses

The hottest topic as of late, that I’ve seen outside of the oil/gas industry is… Canadian Banking.  I have seen quite a few dividend investors over the last two weeks, continue to purchase shares into the big 6 Canadian Bank companies.  I also own of them, but with all of the downward pressure on the industry in that geographical location, plus all of the activity with buying happening, it has caused me to dive into some research on the fundamentals with 3 of the bank stocks.  Let’s take a look.

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