Top 5 Low Dividend Yield, High Dividend Growth Stocks

I’m very excited to dive into this research and find what we think are the best 5 low yield, high dividend growth stocks.  We are only going to focus on the dividend aristocrats, who have increased dividends for 25+ years consecutively, as a baseline/filter out of stocks.  This will then keep us focused on a good barrel fool instead of a whole potential market full of stocks.  As the dividend world goes – typically if you invest into a lower yielding stock, it is compensated by a high dividend growth percentage, at least one would hope.  The case would be vice versa – a high dividend yield stock, would typically have a low dividend growth percentage.  Who is on our list for the top 5 spots?  Let’s find out!

Low Yield High Growth Continue reading

Expected Dividend Increases in December

2015 is quickly approaching!  Holy smokes.  As the calendar turns for the final time this year, it is time to review which Dividend Aristocrats are expected to announce dividend increases in December.  For all new readers, we have reviewed projected dividend increases at the beginning of each month.  Why? Because the Dividend Diplomats love dividend increases, especially from Aristocrats.  With that being said, let’s review our projections from November and take a look ahead to the final month of 2014!

dividend increases in December

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