4 of the Best Tips for Taking out Student Loans

The following post is a guest blog post from one of our good friends, Taylor, and he offers a unique perspective about student loans and will provide some great tips about taking out student loans!   We don’t traditionally have these, but we always enjoy reading a different perspective and other avenues to take to become Financially Free!  Please see the post below and we thought it could be for something of consideration:

Student loans are unavoidable now that the college fees are skyrocketing and with students wanting to get in the top-ranked colleges. However, when students take loans, it does not end there because then there is the matter of loan repayments. If you take out loans wisely and with some tips in mind, you may be able to manage them after graduation. Please see the following article for more information about student loans.

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Best Use of Unlocked Cash Flow

Hello everyone!  Today, I went on a run outside and had a nice deep thought about what to do with an unlocked source of cash flow.  No, no this isn’t coming from my INCREASE in housing expenses or a pay raise.  This actually goes back to relate to paying off my auto loan earlier, rather than later.  This won’t be moving mountains, by any means, however this unlocks a new cash flow for me and now the debate is what to use the additional capital that will be available on a monthly basis going forward!

Cash, Flow, Cash Flow, Cycle, Money Continue reading

Increasing My Cash Flow by Moving & Tips for Minimizing Moving Costs

At the beginning of July I moved into my new place, the second floor of a duplex in an amazing area.   And so far, I love the place (I’ll spare you the boring details about the place).  Not only is the place really nice, another major benefit is that it will also increase my savings account.  Now that I am finally settled in and mostly unpacked, I will finally take a hard look at just how much I will be saving by living in the new apartment.  In this article, I will calculate my monthly and annual savings from moving apartments and will provide tips on minimizing moving costs while furnishing a new apartment.

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